37 and Pregnant

37 and Pregnant….

Heaven knows, if you asked me three years ago where I would see myself in 3 years, it definitely wouldnt be 37 and pregnant. Jim and I have had a long standing rule since before we got married. We wanted two kids: if after two kids we didnt have one of each, we would try one more time, but regardless we would max our family at three children.  So after Emma was born, we seemed to be “all set”. Perfect little suburban family. And we WERE perfect. Married to my soulmate, two of THE BEST kids in the world, how much sweeter could life be?

But after Emma, and after life got back to “normal” it seemed that something was missing. A few of my friends were having a third child, And I started missing that stage of the kids lives. And then, almost simultaneously, Jim agreed.

We wanted to have a third child 🙂

While we discussed whether to adopt or have our own, we started getting excited about the idea of having a baby again. So this past February, we learned our Joy had come true. But our joy turned quickly to sorry as we learned that it wasn’t to be. It hit pretty hard, but we got through it.

So when our joy quickly rose again with the news in June, we were cautiously optimistic. But alas, here we are and happy to report that Baby Will Make 3 in February 2015! At 10 weeks, I am feeling great. This trip to New York is his/her first road trip. But so far seems to be holding its own!

I also joyously learned that I would have a friend to join me in my excitement in our own little “37 and Pregnant” journey. Out of respect for her, I wont mention who, but Friend you know who you are and I am so grateful to go through this with you and I love you!

We waited until about 7 weeks to tell the kids. And their reactions were priceless! At first, Emma was a bit puzzled. Then she decided we were going to name the baby Felicia. LOL.

Evan’s questions included, who was going to babysit him and Emma when we had the baby, and he just didnt know how he could handle taking care of two sisters, so he hopes its a boy. He insists that they can share a room together, because he loves company (which is true). He said he can put the baby to bed. I asked about changingpoopy diapers and he looked at me puzzled and quickly decided I could do that part. He also asked how the baby got in and out. I chose the safe route to say God blessed us and put a baby in our belly, and somehow safely skirted the delivery question for now.

Emma is instistent that the baby is a girl, although we dont actually know yet. She likes to rub my belly (though im not really showing yet) and tell me she “likes my baby” and that the baby is always sleeping and that we should be quiet. 🙂 Oh, and if its a boy, Daddy and Evan have to take care of it. Im down with that 🙂

So here we go again on this crazy and wild ride through parent hood, that I wouldnt change for the world. Every opportunity to be a mother is an opporutnity from God. And i’ll take it! I admit im a bit scared being 37 and doing it all over again, but many people have insistend that we are still young and not at any other than normal risks, which is great! So bring it on. And thanks for taking this crazy ride with us!

Love, Jess and Baby S.

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